Car Maintenance Tips That You Can Do It Yourself
When you think of car care and servicing many people are daunted by the very word. However it is not as difficult as it may seem. There are simple and easy to do cleaning hacks and tutorials for various car models that are freely available online. These videos include the changing of air filters, oiling and cleaning of windshield wipers can be easily done by yourself by watching these tutorials and demonstrations. When you have successfully done all the needed servicing by yourself, it benefits you as you are bound to save on cash and parts. Did you know that changing the air filter is the most easiest servicing that you can do by yourself. We all have come across the time when we getting the oil changed at the service center, the technician often would suggest to change the air filter, which he can then conveniently bill you on the part as well as on the labor. Why would you want to pay for something that takes only a few minutes to change and can be done by yourself? Here is your guide on how you can do your own car servicing from the comfort of your own garage.
Changing of the engine air filtering system
Replacing the air filter system in a car is not as hard as you thought it would be. To do this you need to unfasten the two clips that hold the existing air filter in place. Within a matter of few minutes you can easily take off the old and dirty air filter which will be replaced with a new and clean one. There are various kinds of air filers to choose from. Look out for any stores that are on sale where you could buy these items for discount prices. Unlike the headlights restoration, changing of air filters are not complicated as such. Therefore it is fairly cost effective in comparison. If you are from South Yarra and looking for a headlight restoration, this link might help you.
Just as there are premium headlights restoration procedures, similarly there are high quality washable and reusable air filter that come in a costly price tag. These need not be frequently replaced and saves you a lot in cash.
Changing the oil by yourself
This task has a slight bit more work involved and not as easy as changing the engines air filter system. Amateur vehicle owner may need a helping hand for a successful outcome. For this purpose you need the relevant oil and its filter, a pan to collect the drained oil, wrench suitable for the removal of the oil filter, a car jack and a funnel to pour the new oil once the old oil has been drained off.